Upcoming premiere - WHEN MONDAY CAME - January 2020

The Element of Fire

What happens to people when their environment burns down?

What is the human relevance of an encompassing fire?  Merely destruction? A new possibility? Change? Who or what is Monday? Just another day? The name of a child, hence the future?  And what is the human purpose and relevance of fire— of the actual event of burning? What kind of room and situation is a fire plot for the human body? 

In our ongoing creation process, these are some of the questions Ina Christel Johannessen and her artistic collaborators currently are investigating. It is not only a question of the philosophy of the matter, but the real condition – the factual impact of the burning itself — the vision, the sound, the smell…..and, of course there is the body - the body as both an active and passive part of it all. It can escape, survive, be destroyed, make a difference - and actually change the order of things within the course of the event. 

 When there is fire, there is ashes. And in some cultures, the ashes are a source of cleansing – a connection to another life. Like some widows in India, as they represent change and rebirth. 

When Monday Came is the second piece in zvc`s ongoing trilogy, which has the global climate changes as the overall turning point.


Choreographer: Ina Christel Johannessen (NO)

Dancers: Ole Willy Falkhaugen (NO), Hugo Marmelada (POR), Dorotea Saykaly (CAN), Camilla  Spidsøe (NO), Ole Kristian Tangen (NO), Line Tørmoen (NO) .

Music/ Musician: Tommy Jansen (NO)

Scenography: Åsmund Færavaag (NO)

Light design: Daniel Kolstad Gimle (NO)

Light consultant: Chrisander Brun (NO)

Costumes: Ina Christel Johannessen (NO)

Sound technician: Morten Pettersen (NO)

Technical coordinator: Showlab AS

Production manager: Kirsti Ulvestad

 Produced by Zero Visibility Corp

Co-produced by: House of Dance, Oslo (NO), La Briqueterie, Paris (FR), Fabbrica Europa (IT).

Zero Visibility Corp is funded by Arts Council Norway